Friday, July 18, 2014

Eating Disorders: Bulimia

By Live Health Africa
As a continuation to our special on Eating Disorders today Live Health Africa highlights Bulimia focusing on the symptoms, effects and treatment options. England’s National Health Service(NHS) describes bulimia as a condition in which someone tries to control their weight by binge eating and then deliberately being sick or using medication like laxatives to help empty their bowels. 

 Bulimia 101
The NHS also notes that bulimia is a mental health condition and can be associated with depression, low self-esteem, misuse of alcohol and self-harm.

 “Bulimia is around five times more common than anorexia nervosa and 90% of people with bulimia are female.,” says the NHS. “Recent studies suggest that as many as 8% of women have bulimia at some stage in their life. The condition can occur at any age, but mainly affects women aged between 16 and 40 (on average, it starts around the age of 18 or 19).”

 Like other eating disorders, Bulimia is often associated with an abnormal attitude towards food or body image. Hence, people with bulimia nervosa tend to restrict their food intake and may engage in periods of excessive eating (bingeing), followed by making themselves sick –to vomit- or use laxatives (purging).  People with bulimia purge themselves to avoid  gaining weight and often feel guilty and ashamed of their behavior hence they tend to  binge and purge in secret.

The  binge-purge cycles can be triggered by hunger or stress, or as a way to cope with emotional distress.
“Signs of bulimia nervosa include an obsessive attitude towards food and eating, an overcritical attitude to their weight and shape and frequent visits to the bathroom after eating, after which the person might appear flushed and have scarred knuckles (from forcing fingers down the throat to bring on vomiting),” says the NHS.

If one suffers from Bulimia over a long period of time their body will be deprived of vital nutrients and eventually their organs will shut-down causing death.

  Additionally, people with bulimi tend to suffer dental problems and may lose their teeth due to the acid that comes from the stomach during purging. They also tend to get heart related diseases. It is critical to seek treatment as soon as possible. One way is to get self-help books to help you deal with the condition.

 Treatment may also involve seeing a therapist or other healthcare professional, joining a self-help group, seeking dietary counseling and use of antidepressant. If you are suffering from Bulimia please seek help from the nearest health practitioner.

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